
鬼門開 / 中元節 英文怎麼說?如何跟外國人簡單介紹?

鬼門開 中元節 英文怎麼說?如何跟外國人簡單介紹?(3)

怎麼辦?農曆七月鬼門開,公司中元普渡要拜拜了!坐隔壁桌只會講英文的外國同事 John 一定又會拉著我問東問西...





鬼門開 / 中元節 英文怎麼說?


「鬼門」英文可以翻譯成 the gate to the Underworld,「鬼門開」英文就會說 opening of the gate to Underworld,而「鬼月」英文則是 Ghost Month

中元節」英文是 Zhongyuan Festival,「中元」這兩個字直接從中文音譯就可以囉,或者也可以說 Ghost Festival 或 Hungry Ghost Festival,字面上是「鬼節 / 餓鬼節」。

那要怎麼用簡單的英文跟外國人介紹鬼門開和中元節呢?以下給你參考 : 


The Ghost Month falls on the seventh month of the lunar calendar. 


During this period, the gate to the Underworld opens, and many wandering spirits would come to the human world.


Zhongyuan Festival falls on the fifteenth day of the seventh lunar month. 


On this day, people will prepare offerings to pay respects to their ancestors, deities, and wandering spirits. 






(目前一星期只開放 5 個名額)


其他 5 個中元節英文相關單字!


中元節英文單字 1 :「中元普渡」英文怎麼說?


西方國家沒有普渡這種文化,所以普渡英文可以直接從中文音譯過來 Pudu,「中元普渡」英文就是 Zhongyuan Pudu,是不是超簡單的呢?

在跟老外解釋什麼是普渡時,也許可以說這是一個 salvation ceremony for wandering spirits,字面上的意思是「給孤魂野鬼的救贖儀式」。




A: Why are you preparing all these food, drinks, and fruits?  


B: It’s for Zhongyuan Pudu, which is a salvation ceremony for wandering spirits held all over Taiwan on Zhongyuan Festival.   



中元節英文單字 2 :「祖先」英文怎麼說?


祖先英文是 ancestor,前面很常接動詞片語 pay respects to(對某人致上敬意)。



A: You bought a lot of snacks! Is it for the Zhongyuan Festival? 


B: Yup. It’s time to pay respects to our ancestors, deities, as well as wandering spirits, and treat them to something tasty. Hopefully, they will love Oreos just like I do. 

(對阿,又到了祭拜祖先神明和好兄弟、請他們吃好料的時候。希望他們跟我一樣喜歡吃 Oreo。)


中元節英文單字 3 :「好兄弟」英文怎麼說?


其實西方沒有這種委婉的說法,所以好兄弟英文可以直接翻譯成 good brother,然後再跟老外解釋一下這就等於 ghost(鬼)或比較好聽一點的 spirit(靈魂、鬼魂)。

如果要解釋得更貼切,可以說 wandering ghost 或 wandering spirit,wander 是動詞「遊蕩」,wandering 就是形容詞「四處遊蕩的」,因為好兄弟通常是指那些「無法投胎轉世只能到處遊蕩的孤魂野鬼」嘛。



A: The thought of “good brothers” coming to the human world gives me goosebumps.  


B: I’m not afraid of them at all. As we all know, a lot of people are scarier than wandering spirits!



中元節英文單字 4 :「燒香 / 紙錢」英文怎麼說?



燒香英文可以說 burn incense, burn 是動詞「燒」,incense 是名詞「香」,或者動詞要用 light (up)「點燃」也行。 

如果要講一根一根的香,就可以說 incense stick 或者 joss stick,stick 是「棒狀物、一根東西」, joss 是指「中國的佛像或神像」。 

而常見的紙錢英文翻譯是 joss paper。你可能會想問,能不能照字面上翻成 paper money?米小鹹覺得不太妥當,因為 paper money 其實有「紙鈔」的意思喔(相對於硬幣 coin)。



A: What else do we need to do now?


B: Oh, we need to light up incense, pray to our ancestors, and burn joss paper for them to use in the other world.



中元節英文單字 5 :「供品」英文怎麼說?


「供品」英文是 offeringoffer 就是常見的動詞「提供」喔。



A: What are common food offerings for Zhongyuan Pudu?


B: Here are some examples: meat, fruits, rice, dumplings, noodles, pastries, snacks, vegetarian dishes.




10 個鬼月禁忌英文,你都知道嗎?


禁忌英文是 taboo,所以鬼月禁忌英文就是 taboos of the Ghost Month。

鬼月禁忌有很多,以下米小鹹只挑出 10 個常見的來跟你分享,這 10 個禁忌你都聽過嗎?


1. Do not take pictures at night, or you may capture eerie images in the photos.


2. Do not cut your nails at night, as it is believed to affect your spiritual energy.


3. Do not hang out your laundry at night, as some believe that wandering spirits are often drawn to wet objects.


4. Do not sing or whistle at night, or you may attract unwanted attention from wandering spirits.


5. Do not take the last bus, as wandering spirits may be sitting right next to you.


6. Do not call someone’s full name, or wandering spirits may come for them.


7. Do not play in the water, or wandering spirits in there may snatch you away.


8. Do not lean against the wall, as it is believed that wandering spirits like the cold feeling it provides.


9. Do not tap someone on the shoulder, or you may put out their spiritual fires that protect them from wandering spirits.


10. Do not put chopsticks upright in a bowl of rice because it resembles burning incense for the dead at a funeral.












(目前一星期只開放 5 個名額)


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