
「新年快樂」英文你只會 Happy New Year?40 句「英文兔年吉祥話」學起來!

「新年快樂」英文你只會 Happy New Year?40 句「英文兔年吉祥話」學起來!

新的一年又要到了,你想祝親愛的家人/朋友/同事們新年快樂,但英文只想得到 Happy New Year 或 Happy Chinese New Year 嗎?

今天米小鹹幫你整理出「新年快樂」英文還能怎麼說,以及 40 句我喜歡的英文版兔年吉祥話(附上中文翻譯),讓你的祝福瞬間升級!





Happy 2023!

Cheers to 2023!

Cheers to the New Year!

Cheers to another year!

Cheers to the Year of the Rabbit!



Cheers 是喝酒時會講的「乾杯」, 那像 Cheers to 2023 就可以理解成「敬 2023 年、希望 2023 年也能過得開心」。


「新年快樂」英文你只會 Happy New Year?40 句「英文兔年吉祥話」學起來!





(目前一星期只開放 5 個名額)


40 句英文兔年吉祥話,趕快挑幾句傳給朋友/家人/同事吧!


為了怕你選擇障礙,我先跟你分享我最喜歡的是第 5、13、17、30、34、39 句 😊


1. May you have an amazing year!



2. May 2023 be an extraordinary year for you!

(希望 2023 年對你來說是一個超級棒的一年!)


3. May your new year be full of happy memories!



4. May your new year be full of love, laughter, and success!



5. May your spirit feel light and your wallet feel heavy in the Year of the Rabbit!



6. May the Year of the Rabbit bring you good luck and good fortune!



7. May the Year of the Rabbit bring you new possibilities, new horizons, and new joy!



8. May the Year of the Rabbit bring you new experiences, new smiles, and new success!



9. May the New Year bring you new happiness, new goals, new achievements, and a lot of new inspirations in your life!



10. May joy and happiness surround you in the Year of the Rabbit!



11. May all your dreams come true in the Year of the Rabbit!



12. May you remain happy and healthy throughout the Year of the Rabbit!



13. May you achieve all of your goals and be blessed with luck at every turn in the Year of the Rabbit!



14. May good fortune always be with you in the Year of the Rabbit!



15. May each moment of the New Year steer you towards a new and better direction!



16. May each day of the New Year inspire you to grow!



17. May your troubles be less, blessings be more, and nothing but happiness come through your door!




不知道你有沒有發現,May 用在祝福的句子時,句型是「May + 主詞 + 原形動詞」,很特別吧?


「新年快樂」英文你只會 Happy New Year?40 句「英文兔年吉祥話」學起來!


18. I wish you a year fully loaded with happiness!



19. I wish you a very happy new year with good luck, health, and prosperity!



20. I wish you a lot of success, money, and possibilities in the New Year!



21. I wish you wealth and health in the Year of the Rabbit!




動詞 wish 用在祝福的句子時,句型是「主詞 + wish + 祝福的對象 + 名詞」,也是滿特別的。

另外,在口語中也很常把 I wish 變成 Wishing,或者直接把主詞 I 省掉,像這樣 :

Wishing you wealth and health in the Year of the Rabbit!

Wish you wealth and health in the Year of the Rabbit!



「新年快樂」英文你只會 Happy New Year?40 句「英文兔年吉祥話」學起來!


22. I hope this new year is the best year of your life!



23. I hope this new year brings you much more happiness and success in your career!



24. I hope luck follows you wherever you go in the Year of the Rabbit!



25. I hope you are as happy as possible and enjoy every second of your life next year!



26. I hope you achieve great success in everything you do next year!



27. I hope you enjoy the New Year’s festivities to the fullest and am looking forward to creating many more happy memories with you in the year to come!




動詞 hope 的句型是「主詞 + hope + (that) 名詞子句」,在口語中也很常把 I hope 變成 hoping,或者直接把主詞 I 省掉,像這樣 :

Hoping you achieve great success in everything you do next year!

Hope you achieve great success in everything you do next year!


「新年快樂」英文你只會 Happy New Year?40 句「英文兔年吉祥話」學起來!


28. Life is short. Dream big and make the most of 2023!

(人生很短暫。要擁有更大的夢想、充分利用 2023 年的每一刻!)


29. Although we may be far apart, you are always in my heart. I’ll be celebrating the New Year with you in spirit!



30. Thank you for your support and encouragement throughout 2022. May you have a wonderful holiday and all the best for 2023!

(感謝你在 2022 年的支持與鼓勵。希望你有個愉快的假期、2023 年一切順利!)


31. Thank you for your support this year. You are a great co-worker and friend!



32. I can’t wait to see where the next year brings us. Wishing you nothing but happiness in the New Year!



「新年快樂」英文你只會 Happy New Year?40 句「英文兔年吉祥話」學起來!




33. May this new year bring you more problems, more tears, and more pains. Don’t get me wrong. I just want you to be a stronger person!



34. May you become a billionaire this year, as I have dreamed that you are going to gift me a bungalow!



35. May this new year bring actual change in you, not recurrence of old habits in a new package!



36. Remember those days when we would beg our parents to stay up late on New Year’s Eve? Now all I want to do is sleep!



37. I won’t wish you more success—you’re too successful already! It’s my turn!



38. Before I get drunk, dance on the bar, lose my phone, get naked and get arrested, let me wish you a Happy New Year!



39. In the New Year, let’s run around together. Literally, we need to lose weight!



40. Thank you for being a partner in crime throughout the year!



希望我今天的整理對你有幫助 🙂

也祝你在 2023 年英文程度有所突破、事事順利、平安健康!



8 首好聽的「跨年英文歌」,其中這 1 首我聽 N 遍也聽不膩!


「拜拜 / 紅包 / 春聯」英文怎麼說?10 個農曆新年英文小對話


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新年就是要來點正能量!50 個超勵志的英文佳句,讓你天天充滿動力





(目前一星期只開放 5 個名額)


★ 獨家學英文秘訣,錯過會後悔一輩子!

趕緊用 Email、Line、FB、IG 訂閱米小鹹的最新文章吧~


★ 其他推薦閱讀:

1. 【英文閱讀推薦】高CP值「Time 時代雜誌」,讓你高人一等、單字量暴衝!

2. 【italki 心得評價】想提升英文對話能力、找線上一對一家教者必看!

3. 【英文文法懶人包】你對 ing 用法感到困惑?原來在這 7 種情況,字尾都會有 ing

4. 【多益旅遊英文】「景點」、「行程」英文怎麼說?跟外國朋友聊旅遊超簡單!

5. 【戒掉中式英文】「借衛生紙」、「借廁所」英文怎麼說?borrow 和 lend 差別?

6. 快速學好英文的方法,真的存在嗎?YES!只要你做到這 3 件事…

7. 如何改善「拖延症」提高「行動力」?這兩大絕招,讓你不再三分鐘熱度!

8. 如何看電影學英文/看影集學英文?這 7 個步驟跟著做,保證英文聽力口說大躍進!

9. 【國外業務新手懶人包】該怎麼練英文?如何提高多益成績薪水&工作內容?

10. 如何快速學任何外語?TED 語言學家揭露 2 個迷思 + 5 個心法 + 7 個行動



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