
【多益時事英文】「她得到奧運金牌」、「台灣之光」英文怎麼說?附 11 個奧運英文小對話!

【多益時事英文】「她得到奧運金牌」、「台灣之光」英文怎麼說?11 個奧運英文小對話!



以下還會依序提到「奧運」、「開幕 / 閉幕」、「金牌 / 銀牌 / 銅牌」、「決賽 / 四強賽 / 八強賽 / 十六強賽」、「奧運獎金」和各種奧運比賽項目的英文。




奧運 英文? 


「奧運」的英文是 the Olympic Games,或者簡稱 the Olympics,所以「東京奧運」英文就是 the Tokyo Olympic Games 或 the Tokyo Olympics。


A: Japan is really unlucky to host the Olympic Games this time.


B: Yeah. They were counting on it to boost their economy, but the pandemic suddenly hit the world and rained on the parade.



A: Which country is going to host the next Olympics?


B: It will be held in Paris, the capital of France. 






(目前一星期只開放 5 個名額)


奧運開幕 英文?


「開幕典禮」的英文是 opening ceremony,而「閉幕典禮」的英文則是 closing ceremony


A: Did you watch the Olympics opening ceremony? I was so touched to hear our national team being introduced as “Taiwan” instead of “Chinese Taipei.”


B: Me, too! It was a touching moment indeed. And it was the first time our athletes marched into the stadium before the Chinese athletes did. I love Japan. 



A: When is the Olympics closing ceremony


B: It’s on August 8th, starting at 7 pm Taiwan time.

(它是在 8/8,台灣時間晚上七點開始。)


【多益時事英文】「她得到奧運金牌」、「台灣之光」英文怎麼說?11 個奧運英文小對話!(2)


奧運獎牌 英文? 


「獎牌」的英文是 medal,而「金牌」的英文是 gold medal,「銀牌」的英文是 silver medal,「銅牌」的英文是 bronze medal。


A: Our “goddess of weightlifting” just won the first Olympic gold medal for Taiwan! I was so thrilled when watching the broadcast.


B: She is really incredible, not only taking the gold but also breaking three Olympic records.



A: Do you know that this judoka went viral on the Internet yesterday after he won Taiwan’s first ever medal in an Olympics judo competition?


B: Yeah. Plus, he is good-looking. Look at his charming smile! No wonder the number of his Instagram followers surged overnight.

(知道啊。而且他長得很帥。你看看他充滿魅力的微笑!難怪他的 IG 追蹤人數一夜間暴增。) 


A: Did you watch the taekwondo competition yesterday? 


B: No, I didn’t, but I know a 19-year-old girl brought Taiwan a bronze medal in her first Olympic debut.

(沒有耶,但我知道有一個 19 歲的女生第一次參加奧運就為台灣奪得銅牌。)  


【多益時事英文】「她得到奧運金牌」、「台灣之光」英文怎麼說?11 個奧運英文小對話!3



奧運決賽 英文?


爭奪金牌的「決賽」英文是 final,「四強賽」英文是 semi-final,「八強賽」英文是 quarter-final,「十六強賽」英文是 round of sixteen。


A: I just watched the final of the men’s team archery competition on TV. Our athletes were no match for the South Korea team, but at least they took the silver.


B: That’s awesome! They are really the pride of Taiwan.



A: Good news! Taiwan’s top-ranked badminton star, Tai Tzu-ying, just advanced to the quarter-finals.


B: It’s great to hear that. I remember she bowed out in the round of 16 in the previous two Olympics. Hope she can win another medal for Taiwan this time!



A: Our men’s gymnastic team was just eliminated and can’t reach the quarter-finals.


B: It’s a bit disappointing, but no matter how our athletes end up, I’m still proud of them. After all, it’s not easy to be able to compete in the Olympics.



【多益時事英文】「她得到奧運金牌」、「台灣之光」英文怎麼說?11 個奧運英文小對話!(4)


奧運獎金 英文?


「獎金」的英文可以用 bonus 這個字喔。


A: This is totally new to me: the bonus awarded by the Taiwanese government to Olympic medalists is the third most handsome in the world!


B: What?! Yesterday I was still thinking that the bonus was not good enough to compensate for the effort those elite athletes put in.


A: What’s more interesting is that you can receive 7 million Taiwan dollars if you win a silver medal, and 20 million dollars if you win a gold medal!

(更有趣的是,如果你得銀牌就可以拿到 700 萬台幣,如果得金牌則是拿 2000 萬!) 

B: Wow, it’s such a huge difference between winning first and second place. 



【多益時事英文】「她得到奧運金牌」、「台灣之光」英文怎麼說?11 個奧運英文小對話!(5)


奧運比賽項目 英文?




游泳 英文 : swimming

跳水 英文 : diving

水球 英文 : water polo

輕艇 英文 : canoeing

划船 英文 : rowing

帆船 英文 : sailing

羽毛球 英文 : badminton

籃球 英文 : basketball

曲棍球 英文 : hockey 

足球 英文 : football

高爾夫球 英文 : golf

手球 英文 : handball

網球 英文 : tennis

桌球 英文 : table tennis

排球 英文 : volleyball

拳擊 英文 : boxing

跆拳道 英文 : taekwondo

柔道 英文 : judo

摔角 英文 : wrestling

舉重 英文 : weightlifting

射擊 英文 : shooting

射箭 英文 : archery

田徑 英文 : athletics

擊劍 英文 : fencing

體操 英文 : gymnastics

鐵人三項 英文 : triathlon

自由車 英文 : cycling

馬術 英文 : equestrian








(目前一星期只開放 5 個名額)


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