
【多益旅遊英文】trip / travel / tour / journey 都是「旅遊」,用法差異是?

【多益旅遊英文】 trip travel tour journey 都是「旅遊」,用法差異是

米小鹹有不少學生因為熱愛旅遊而學英文,但我發現他們常常分不清楚 trip、travel、tour、journey 的差異和用法,然後就會講出可以懂但有點怪的句子。

如果你也一直對 trip、travel、tour、journey 的差別感到困惑,一定要認真看完今天的文章喔!



trip 用法?


trip 通常是當「可數名詞」,指「短期旅遊」、「短期旅程/路程」。例句:


I hope we can go on a trip to Japan by the end of this year. 



We are thinking about taking a trip to the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxemburg next year. Do you want to join us? 



Many people think a 3-day trip to Singapore is enough. But that’s not true if you want an in-depth exploration.



I went on a business trip to Switzerland last year. It’s such a beautiful country.



另外,trip 其實也可以當「動詞」,但意思通常是「絆、絆倒」,跟旅遊完全無關喔。例句:


I just tripped over that extension cable and fell down. I’ve told you it’s dangerous to leave it there!



I tripped over a rock and hurt my knees when getting off the bus today. 






(目前一星期只開放 5 個名額)




travel 用法?


travel 可以當「名詞」和「動詞」。

當名詞時通常是「不可數名詞」,除了指「旅遊」這件事,也可以指「旅程/路程」。例句 : 


He is a big fan of train travel. One of the wishes on his travel bucket list is to go for a ride on the Trans-Siberian Railway. 



One of my cousins works at a travel agency. That’s why I can always get good deals for flight tickets.



International travel has reduced significantly because of the pandemic.



Although I love the beautiful scenery in Europe, I really hate long-distance travel



另外,我們也來看幾個 travel 當「動詞」的用法,除了「旅遊」的意思,也可以單純指「移動、行進」。例句 : 


I wish I could have enough money to travel around the world right now.



After spending a year traveling in different countries, she decided not to go back to a nine-to-five job and started her career as a travel blogger and Youtuber.

(花了一年的時間在不同國家旅遊之後,她決定不要回去做朝九晚五的工作,並開始成為旅遊部落客和 YouTuber。) 


I traveled to San Francisco for a friend’s wedding last year. It seems quite nice to live there. 



In the future, is it possible to travel back in time?



【多益旅遊英文】 trip travel tour journey 都是「旅遊」,用法差異是 (3)


tour 用法?


tour 跟 travel 一樣,可以當「名詞」和「動詞」。

但 tour 當名詞時,則和 trip 一樣是「可數名詞」,通常指「比較商業化的旅遊行程」。

例句 : 


He is the best tour guide I have ever met. He not only has profound knowledge of almost everything in the country, but also cares about our needs and interests. 



This museum only offers German and English audio tours, and a tour costs about 600 Taiwan dollars. 



I booked a few local tours, including a walking tour around the old town, a cycling tour to some wineries, and a boat tour with a nice dinner.  



另外,tour 當名詞時也有「巡迴演出、巡視」的意思喔。例句 : 


Mayday’s nationwide concert tour will start from Taipei tomorrow.



The president is to make a tour around the country next month.



tour 當動詞時,也是有「旅遊、遊覽」和「巡迴演出、巡視」的意思。例句 : 


We have been touring around Europe for almost a year.



The band is currently touring around the whole country. 



【多益旅遊英文】 trip travel tour journey 都是「旅遊」,用法差異是 (4)



journey 用法?


journey 通常是「名詞」,是比較好聽一點的用詞,中文常翻作「旅途、旅程」。例句 : 


My journey to Italy last year was epic. I had a lot of unforgettable experiences in the country.



Learning English is an endless journey. I can always find unfamiliar words or phrases to learn no matter how long I have been learning it. 



今天的教學就到這裡啦,希望你有更了解 trip、travel、tour、journey 的差別和用法,以後不會再感到困惑囉!





(目前一星期只開放 5 個名額)


★ 獨家學英文秘訣,錯過會後悔一輩子!

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★ 推薦閱讀

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3. 【多益旅遊英文】6 個餐廳英文對話情境!如何用英文點餐?餐點送錯 / 沒來怎麼辦?

4. 【多益旅遊英文】「景點」、「行程」英文怎麼說?跟外國朋友聊旅遊超簡單!

5. 【英文單字懶人包】job 和 work 的差別?「這又不是我的工作」要用 job 還是 work?

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