
【多益時事英文】「打疫苗」、「副作用」英文怎麼說?附 13 個打疫苗英文小對話!

【多益時事英文】「打疫苗」、「副作用」英文怎麼說?附 13 個打疫苗英文小對話!




以下我除了會教你「打疫苗」和「副作用」的英文,也整理出 13 個打疫苗相關的英文小對話,保證你可以學到超多實用的英文字彙和表達,趕快繼續往下看囉!



疫苗 英文?


疫苗的英文是 vaccine,來看看這個字可以怎麼用吧:


A: Many people have been talking about Lithuania recently. It was so kind of them to donate 20,000 (twenty thousand) doses of Covid-19 vaccines to Taiwan!


B: Yeah, it was quite touching. I didn’t expect a country that many Taiwanese are unfamiliar with would make such a friendly gesture. That made me want to know more about Lithuania, or even travel there after the pandemic is over.



A: Do you know that the new vaccine registration system is now open to those who are over 18 years old? You can also choose the brand of vaccine you prefer to receive.


B: Cool! I’ll register after work today. Thanks for telling me about it. 






(目前一星期只開放 5 個名額)


打疫苗 英文?


「打疫苗」的英文可以有幾種不同的說法,我目前想到 4 種。


1. get a vaccine / receive a vaccine 


get 是「得到」,receive 則是比 get 更好聽一點的用詞。來看看要怎麼把這個說法放到句子裡吧 : 


A: Which vaccine do you want to get?


B: I want to get the Moderna vaccine, but it may take a while since many people in Taiwan prefer Moderna to AZ.

(我想要打莫德納疫苗,但可能要等一陣子,因為比起 AZ 疫苗很多台灣人比較偏好打莫德納疫苗。)


A: Which vaccine did your parents receive?


B: I remember they received AZ vaccines.

(我記得他們是打 AZ 疫苗。)  


2. be vaccinated / get vaccinated


vaccinate 是動詞「為某人注射疫苗」,主詞通常是幫你打疫苗的護理師,所以如果要說自己打了疫苗,就必須用被動式(be 動詞或 get + 過去分詞) be vaccinated 或 get vaccinated,意思是「被注射疫苗」。


A: Even though we have been vaccinated, we still can’t let our guard down.


B: I can’t agree with you more. Those Covid-19 variants are outrageous! 



A: When are you getting vaccinated


B: My appointment is on July 31 at 9 o’clock. How about you? Have you gotten vaccinated yet? 

(我的預約是在 7/31 的九點。那你呢?你打疫苗了嗎?)


3. get a shot / receive a shot 


shot 在這裡是名詞「注射」。get a shot 和 receive a shot 就是「打針」的意思喔,在口語中也可以用來指打疫苗。 


A: I didn’t expect that I could get a shot so early! Now that I think about it, it’s not that bad to be old.


B: Haha, you really know how to look on the bright side. Well, I guess it’s because you don’t care about the brands of the vaccines.



A: When are you receiving your second shot?


B: I don’t know yet. All I can do is wait due to the shortage of vaccines. 



4. vaccination


vaccination 是名詞,指「注射疫苗」這件事。


A: Have you registered for vaccination yet?


B: Yeah, I have. You know what, when I finished the whole process at 10 am yesterday, I noticed that my serial number is 4.5 million! 

(對啊。你知道嗎,我昨天十點完成整個流程時,我注意到我的序號是 450 萬!)   


A: The vaccination rate in Taiwan is still quite low compared to many other countries. 


B: That’s right, but I think the situation is getting better with more vaccines arriving in Taiwan.




副作用 英文?


side 在這裡是當形容詞「次要的、附帶的」,effect 是名詞「效果、作用」,所以 side effect 就是「副作用」的意思囉。


A: What are the common side effects of Covid-19 vaccines?


B: You may experience side effects like headaches, body aches, fatigue, fever, or soreness at the injection site. 



A: How are you feeling right now? Do you have any side effects? I just saw your Facebook post, saying that you got your first shot this morning.


B: I’m just feeling a bit fatigued, and my left arm is slightly sore. Other than that, I currently don’t have any other side effects.



A: Why do people in Taiwan prefer Moderna vaccines to AZ vaccines? 

(為什麼在台灣的人比起 AZ 疫苗更喜歡莫德納疫苗?)    

B: It’s probably because people had stronger side effects after they received AZ vaccines. Plus, they are less effective at protecting against COVID-19 compared to Moderna vaccines.  

(這或許是因為打 AZ 疫苗後有較強的副作用。而且,跟莫德納比起來,AZ 的保護效果較差。)    



希望你除了學到「打疫苗」和「副作用」的英文,也學到超多實用的英文字彙和表達喔 🙂





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