
【英文文法懶人包】你對 ing 用法感到困惑?原來在這 7 種情況,字尾都會有 ing!

【英文文法懶人包】你對 ing 用法感到困惑?原來在這 7 種情況,字尾都會有 ing!


但因為 ing 出現的頻率真的很高,卻有很多人對 ing 用法感到困惑,或者對 ing 用法了解不深(例如以為 ing 結尾的一定是動詞、只有表示「正在做某事」才會看到 ing…),以至於在應用英文時出現阻礙。

所以今天我會幫你整理出 7 個常見的 ing 用法情境,一次搞定你對 ing 的理解!


※ 提醒:如果你覺得文法解釋的部分有點硬梆梆、不好懂,可以先看一下例句,再回頭看解釋喔。若還是有點吸收不良也沒關係,只要你大量接觸英文,以後自然就會懂了 🙂



ing 用法 1:該字結尾本來就有 ing   


有些「名詞」的字尾是有 ing 的,例如 thing(事物)、wedding(婚禮)、building(建築物)、morning(早上)、evening(晚上)、feeling(感受)、meeting(會議)、painting(畫)、spring(春天)…。


也有些「形容詞」的字尾有 ing,例如 interesting(有趣的)、exciting(令人興奮的)、boring(無聊的)、amazing(很棒的)、tiring(令人累的)、annoying(討厭的)、touching(感人的)、surprising(令人驚訝的)、confusing(令人困惑的)、fascinating(吸引人的)…。


另外動詞、介係詞等等也是有 ing 結尾的字,但米小鹹累了…XD 下面的內容更重要,趕快繼續看下去吧! 


ing 用法 2:擺在某些動詞後面的動詞字尾就是要加 ing   


例如 enjoy(享受、喜歡) 這個動詞,後面如果要再接一個動詞,說明享受做某件事,後面那個動詞字尾就會出現 ing 喔,給你個例子 : 

I enjoy reading books and doing yoga in my free time. 



stop(停止)後面如果要接動詞,表示停止做某件事,該動詞字尾也要加 ing,例如 : 

Stop watching TV and do your homework!



finish(完成)也有相同的用法,舉個例子 : 

We have to finish cleaning the whole house before Chinese New Year. 



類似的動詞還有好幾個,像是 regret(後悔)、keep(一直)、give up(放棄)、consider(考慮)、recommend(推薦)、admit(承認)、deny(否認)、avoid(避免)…。 





(目前一星期只開放 5 個名額)


ing 用法 3:進行式(be 動詞 + 動詞 ing)


如果要表達「正在做某事」,就會在該動詞前面加上「be 動詞」,並且把該動詞字尾加上 ing。例如 : 


I am cooking a few special dishes for Mother’s Day. I hope my mom will like them. 



Amy is trying to improve her English so that she can find a better job.

(Amy 正在努力讓她的英文進步,這樣她才能找到更好的工作。)


We are waiting for our CEO to join the meeting. He is late every time. 

(我們正在等我們的 CEO 加入會議。他每次都會遲到。)  


I was talking to my manager when you called, so I didn’t answer the phone. What happened?



They were looking for a missing file this morning. I hope they have already found it. 



ing 用法 4:動名詞



如果剛好必須用到某個動詞的意思,就得把該動詞字尾加 ing 變成「動名詞」,才符合英文的邏輯喔!



例如整個句子的「主詞」通常會是「名詞」,但如果主詞的開頭剛好要用到某個動詞的意思,像是以下例句中的 know(知道) 和 look after(照顧),就要在這些動詞字尾加上 ing 才行。


Knowing how to sell is one of the high-income skills.



Looking after 4 kids is definitely not an easy job! You are really impressive. 



另外,介係詞(in, on, at, of, about, by…)、有些片語(look forward to、afraid of…)後面也都習慣會接「名詞」或「動名詞」喔。


We are thinking about buying a 20-year-old apartment in New Taipei City.

(我們在想要不要在新北市一間 20 年的公寓。) 


We are looking forward to seeing you next Friday!



Many people are afraid of talking to our boss. She is quite unpredictable sometimes and may shout at you when she is in a bad mood.



ing 用法 5:省略關係代名詞,並把後面動詞的結尾加上 ing


「關係代名詞(以下例子中的 that 和 who)」在「關係子句」中當「主詞」時,如果要被省略,必須把後面的動詞改成 ing 的形式喔。


I know a company that helps people organize things at home.

= I know a company helping people organize things at home.



Din Tai Fung is a famous restaurant chain that specializes in Chinese cuisine

= Din Tai Fung is a famous restaurant chain specializing in Chinese cuisine.



I have a friend who lives in the US

= I have a friend living in the US.



Do you know the woman who is speaking on the stage

= Do you know the woman speaking on the stage?



She didn’t remember the man who attacked her that night because it was too dark. 

= She didn’t remember the man attacking her that night because it was too dark.




ing 用法 6:省略某些副詞子句的主詞,並把後面動詞的結尾加上 ing


有些「副詞子句」的「主詞」如果很明確,也是可以被省略喔,但同時必須把後面的動詞改成 ing 的形式。


When I am learning English, I usually read out all the words to strengthen my memory.

= When learning English, I usually read out all the words to strengthen my memory.



I like to work out while I watch a drama or a TV show.

= I like to work out while watching a drama or a TV show.



Don’t forget to turn off all the lights and air conditioners before you leave the office.

= Don’t forget to turn off all the lights and air conditioners before leaving the office.



I can’t believe I put on a few kilograms after I came back from my trip to Thailand.

= I can’t believe I put on a few kilograms after coming back from my trip to Thailand.



Although she felt exhausted after work, she still tried to spare some time for her kids.

= Although feeling exhausted after work, she still tried to spare some time for her kids.



ing 用法 7:為前面或後面的句子做補充說明


雖然補充說明的部分是直接用「動詞 ing」開頭,沒有主詞,但其實做這個動作的人通常是前後句子的主詞喔。

你可以先看一下第一個例句,是誰 win(贏)呢?The Taiwanese badminton duo Lee Yang and Wang Chi-lin(台灣的羽球雙打李洋和王齊麟)。

再看第二個例句,是誰 hope(希望)呢?my friends and I(我和我朋友們)。


The Taiwanese badminton duo Lee Yang and Wang Chi-lin defeated the Chinese players last week, winning Taiwan’s first ever gold medal in the sport.



When Tai Tzu Ying was competing in the final, my friends and I were watching the live broadcast together, hoping that she could win another Olympic gold medal for Taiwan.



Considering the surge of Covid-19 cases in Taipei, my parents told me not to go home for now.



Feeling in despair after discovering that her husband cheated on her, Amy still managed to get back on her feet and move on.

在發現她老公背著她偷吃後,儘管感到絕望,Amy 還是想辦法重新振作、放下過去。)  


Not knowing what happened, I can’t help you with anything. Can you calm down and tell me what you know?



今天的 ing 用法整理就到這邊,希望你以後看到 ing 出現時,不會再那麼困惑囉! 


其他跟「英文文法」相關的文章還有 : 



常搞不清楚 be 動詞用法嗎?be 動詞有哪些?趕快看這一篇就對了!






(目前一星期只開放 5 個名額)


★ 獨家學英文秘訣,錯過會後悔一輩子!

趕緊用 Email、Line、FB、IG 訂閱米小鹹的最新文章吧~


★ 推薦閱讀

1. 【italki 評價心得】英文口說練習推薦!想找線上一對一英文家教、語言交換者必看

2. 【英文閱讀推薦】高CP值「Time 時代雜誌」,讓你高人一等、單字量暴衝!

3. 這5部Netflix推薦影集,讓我多益900分、進入外商公司當國外業務!

4. 【語言交換懶人包】想免費練英文口說,怎麼做才有效率?語言交換 app 有推薦的嗎?

5. 如何提升學英文的「成就感」?掌握這 5 個祕訣,學英文不再心灰意冷!

6. 【多益旅遊英文】6 個餐廳英文對話情境!如何用英文點餐?餐點送錯 / 沒來怎麼辦?

7. 「加油」英文到底是?幫「車」加油 & 幫「人」加油,英文說法有不同嗎?

8. 【英文單字懶人包】「累」英文只會 tired 就太遜了!「疲勞」、「筋疲力盡」英文怎麼說?

9. 【戒掉中式英文】想跟同事 & 家人朋友說「辛苦了」,英文到底該怎麼表達?



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