
【英文單字懶人包】「問題」英文該用 problem、question 還是 issue?說錯真的好糗啊…

【英文單字懶人包】「問題」英文該用 problem、question 還是 issue?說錯真的好糗啊...


如果你對於 problem、question、issue 的差別不太清楚,可能會鬧以下笑話…  

例如原本上課時想要問老師問題,卻跟老師說 I have a problem,意思變成「我遇到困難」或「我有毛病」,應該要說 I have a question 才對。

或者,工作遇到難題時,想說「我不確定怎麼解決這個問題」,英文是 I’m not sure how to solve this problem / issue,結果你一時腦子不清楚的話可能就說成 I’m not sure how to solve this question.

今天我們就一起來認真看看 problem、question、issue 到底差在哪吧!



「問題」英文 problem  


problem 通常是指一個「需要解決的疑難雜症」、「讓人頭痛的人事物」,也可以指「數學題目」。來看些例子: 


We’ve got a problem with the heater in the bathroom. The water has been running for about 5 minutes, but it’s still cold. 



I’m not sure how to deal with my financial problem. I need your advice.



I had a problem concentrating during lessons when I was a kid.    



He used to be a problem child who would skip classes, fail exams, and even bully his classmates. 



Math is not my thing. It’s killing me when I have to solve so many math problems every day. 






(目前一星期只開放 5 個名額)


「問題」英文 question 


question 是「有疑惑時而提出的問題」,不像 problem 有那麼負面的感覺,也可以是「考試時的題目」。例句:


Can I ask you a question? What is the difference between “problem,” “question,” and “issue”? 

(我可以問你一個問題嗎?problem、question、issue 之間的差別是什麼?)


Google search engine is definitely one of the best inventions in the 21st century. It allows you to find answers to most of your questions within a few seconds.

(Google 搜尋引擎絕對是 21 世紀最好的發明之一。這讓你可以在幾秒內找到你大部分問題的答案。) 


There is no question that John has a crush on you!

(毫無疑問,John 就是喜歡你啦!) 


Going on a trip abroad is out of the question this year due to the pandemic. 



A: Do you know why people in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau use traditional Chinese characters?


B: That’s a good question.



另外,question 當動詞時有「為了達到某目的而問、質問、審問」的意思,跟一般常見的 ask 感覺不同。舉個例子 : 


I don’t like to be questioned about my work or relationship status when having a get-together with relatives during Chinese New Year.



「問題」英文 issue 


issue 當名詞時,有「議題、爭議」或「待解決的問題」等意思,和 problem 類似,差別在 issue 聽起來比較中性、好聽,沒有像 problem 有麻煩的負面感覺。

這讓米小鹹想起自己以前剛開始做科技業的國外業務時,曾經被主管提醒要注意細節,例如科技產品在整合上難免會有些狀況嘛,這個時候跟客人用 issue 這個字比較好,表示這個問題是可以透過大家一起合作討論解決的,不要講 problem 很難聽,好像我們不專業給客人找麻煩。

我們來造些 issue 的句子吧 : 


Whether to legalize prostitution or not has been a controversial issue for a long time. 



Do you have a minute later? I’d like to discuss an issue about our new project with you. 



Not having enough marketing specialists can be an issue if you want to expand your market overseas. 



看完今天的教學,你是否有比較清楚何時該用 problem、question、issue 呢?:)






(目前一星期只開放 5 個名額)


★ 獨家學英文秘訣,錯過會後悔一輩子!

趕緊用 Email、Line、FB、IG 訂閱米小鹹的最新文章吧~


★ 推薦閱讀

1. 【italki 評價心得】英文口說練習推薦!想找線上一對一英文家教、語言交換者必看

2. 【英文閱讀推薦】高CP值「Time 時代雜誌」,讓你高人一等、單字量暴衝!

3. 快速學好英文的方法,真的存在嗎?YES!只要你做到這 3 件事…

4. 想跟同事 & 家人朋友說「辛苦了」,英文該怎麼表達?

5. 「大學同學」英文不是 college classmate?!「同學」英文是 classmate 沒錯啊…

6. 「加油」英文到底是?幫「車」加油 & 幫「人」加油,英文說法有不同嗎?

7. must have 不一定是「一定要有」!跟只用 must 差別在哪裡?

8. 「住飯店」英文別說 live hotel!你真的知道 live 的用法嗎?



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